Friday, October 26, 2012
I feel settled down into a school, rehearsal, and work routine.
Even so, midterms seemed to knock me off the course this year.
Several papers, my first science text in two years, and, on top of that, Tupelos rehearsals.
Also, I'm in a musical! I will be playing Rona Peretti in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I am so excited to do musical theater again -- acappella is obviously one of my favorite activities I've joined in college, but musical theater is such a big part of me as well.
There isn't much else to say! Our Spookie Tupie Teaser is tomorrow! Aaaaaaah/
Sunday, September 9, 2012
tupelos and flowers
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
happy junior year!
That time where Grace is like "wow, time flies".
But really, it totally does --
Sometimes it's flying at a really slow pace, enjoying the world, just gliding past events and memories. Other times it is SHOT from a cannon and zooms past your before you can even notice what is actually happening.
Right now I am kind of in the middle of those two extremes. I still have two years left at Wellesley, so I have some time left. But it's insane to think that in a year from now I will be a college senior. It's odd to think that I have watched two classes of my peers and friends graduate from this wonderful, peaceful, and altogether psychotic place of a college.
This year I need to record more. My feelings, words, every-day happenings. Because I need to read back on something tangible. I should not rely on the fact that my memory is semi-good now because frankly, my head will just continue to make new memories. So this blog will be populated more often. I am unsure if anyone besides my mom (love you, momma) will read it. But even so, I will be able to read exactly what is happening right now.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
life & changes
Black Keys - Things Ain't Like They Used To Be
The mood of the song is a lot more angsty than I feel right now, but change is something that I have thought about lately. Life is built for change. If we always stayed exactly the same we would not fulfill the purpose of this life - to progress.
If I think back to myself even last summer, I see an almost completely different person - and I like that. I like that I have now lived on my own, worked on my own, and traveled on my own. I have driven more this summer than I ever had in my life, I have even better taste in music (truthfully), and I am getting to know myself and my personality in a deeper way.
I am still impulsive, impatient, and actually crazy, but I like to think that I have become a more thoughtful, grateful, and positive person somewhere along the way.
I will still never lose in a sass battle, but I have learned to listen and respect in new and more meaningful ways.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
COTUS - Cats of The United States
Cats that resemble presidents? Pretty cool.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
summah lovin'
Here are some things that I have done over the summer!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
a sweet lesson
Now set the stage for Monday evening. This is most likely my second or third Monday at my summer job, I am exhausted and my hair is jutting out from my head every which way (I don't mean to complain, but it was!). I find 25 minutes after work to run with Kendrick to Christmas Tree Shoppes and what do I find? Umm, some animal crackers, a packet of gummy tarantulas, and some JuJuBees. Basically, nothing. But me, being the stubborn optimist that I usually am, was convinced that these three things would be enough for the entire ward to create a mass of cupcake creations. Wrong. But we move on.
Chris, Kendrick, and I arrive at the church with 8 dozen cupcakes and 8 cans of frosting, along with our "goodies" from Christmas Tree Shoppes (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a kind of more-than-a-dollar dollar store -- they have everything). As Chris and I were putting our animal crackers and odd gummy novelties into styrofoam bowls, our friend Nikki made an AWESOME sign to put up in the gym. Once we were finished, I'd say we had enough bowls for each group to have 4, so 24 bowls. Pretty good, right? Not quite.
As I was worrying "Will this be good enough? Will people think this is a cool activity? Do we have enough cupcakes?", Sister Porter, Bishop Porter, and their daughter Rachel Porter walk in with bags and bags and BAGS of candy and fun things to decorate the cupcakes. And we're not talkin' more animal crackers, we're talking Reese's Pieces, Gummy Bears, M&Ms -- the works. Chris and I could not believe our eyes. I felt so blessed to be supported by Sister Porter and her family. It was just a speechless moment as we rushed to fill more bowls - eventually each team was allowed 11 bowls. That is 7 more for each team than we had originally planned!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
summer's beginning
Right after school ended, I moved into Kendrick's room and we were able to be roommates for about two weeks. During this time, we ran errands and hung out - also, our friend Camille left and that was sad.
Last week I was able to attend the National Conference of College Women Student Leaders in Washington DC. It was a terrific experience because I was able to meet so many different kinds of students and people, in general. Lately, I have been realizing how many people actually live on this earth. I am struck by the vastness of the world every time I fly (in an airplane, of course). Humility is the only thing that I feel as the plane lifts off of the ground and into the air - leaving the sense of stability behind. There is no room for pride as you watch the things below you become smaller and smaller.
I have also started work as a Wellesley Student Orientation Coordinator. This is such a unique and exciting job. I work with fun and happy people - which is my favorite thing in the world. I hope to post more adventures as the summer continues.
Friday, May 25, 2012
you know what i think?
I think that sometimes people do things just so they can post about it on social media sites. The more I hear people talk about Mobile Uploads, Profile Pictures, and a witty status they can post about an event, the more I'm just like "sttttttttooooopppppp it". Now don't get me wrong, I am definitely guilty of all of these crimes, but hey - a woman can change. I am tired of people just complaining, bragging, and just posting unnecessary things all over the Internet.
Wanna know something ironic? I just spewed all of these random thoughts all over my own personalized social media sphere.
Monday, May 14, 2012
no coincidences
Fast-forward to around 3 p.m. this afternoon. I had just come home from a meeting in the Campus Center and was now sitting on my bed, watching an episode of The Office. --Cue the pouring rain-- I am not kidding when I say that I thought Noah's Ark Pt. 2 was going down outside. It was insane. And I was heading to work in 5 mins. With my backpack packed and my raincoat on, I ventured out into the torrential downpour. I NEVER KNEW SO MUCH WATER EXISTED. I was soaking wet from the top of my head to my shoes - in fact, at one point both of my shoes were underwater in a puddle. So I get to the Music Library and throw off my backpack, only to realize that I had that extra pair of shoes in my backpack! I didn't have to wear soggy shoes and socks for four and half hours!
Long story short: Heavenly Father always provides us with what we need, when we need it. Coincidences do not exist, but our Savior does! That is the greatest piece of knowledge that I know to be true. It's about 23049820948208394 times greater than any paper I must finish by tomorrow at 4:30 p.m.
Friday, May 11, 2012
spring memories
I think that I will start with the present and go into the past as far as story-telling goes:
1. Today - We will celebrate three birthdays! Tyler Clites', Kyle Duke's, and MINE
2. It's Finals Week - Boo. Fourteen pages left.
3. Tupelos Indian Food Dinner @ Anisha's House - it was the last time singing with this year's seniors!
4. Tupelos Clam Bake (Will expand upon this day in a later post)
5. Tupelos go to Mormon Church! What a cool experience -- I was able to conduct the music in Sacrament Meeting in the Cape Cod Branch
6. Professor Greer brought a cake to the last day of HIST 252: The Modern Black Freedom Struggle - one of my favorite classes at Wellesley
I'm kind of tired of listing, so I will just let everyone know that work starts on June 4th and I could not be more excited! Before that I will attend a Women's College Leadership Conference in Washington D.C., that I know will be an incredible experience.
Here's to an awesome, fun, thrilling summer!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
easter festivities
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
lucky penny
Thursday, March 29, 2012
a lil' update
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
you know what?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
will you accept this rose?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
the silly stuff
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
today i feel
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
let's recap
Monday, January 23, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
buona domenica
I'm going to bed soon so I'll write a lil' email now.
Basically i woke up early and all I could think about was "I need to make it to church".
So I took the address to the front desk man and he told me I could get on a bus. Bus 90. Bus 90? Ah. So I knocked on Elena's door and we put on dresses and walked to the bus stop.
Thank goodness I had written this address on a piece of paper because that's what we kept showing people.
we were guided by so many guardian angels today!
After we had shown one woman our address she went and asked the bus driver if the address was one of the stops. And another woman overheard our conversation and worries and she warned us that our stop was coming. We then walked about 5-10 mins down the street, stopped in a cafe to ask if we were going the right way and guess what? WE WERE. And then when we got to the piazza, we stopped an old lady "dove e' la chiesa?" (where is the church?) and the sweet old woman goes "la chiesa mormoni??" and pointed to the left.
Mom. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY AS WHEN SHE SAID THOSE WORDS. We looked to the right and the brown building had the name of our church on it!!!!! We were there in time for Sunday School and they have Sacrament Meeting last. My FAVORITE part was singing the hymns in Italian. I remember we sang "Oh, My Father" and "Where Can I Turn For Peace?" The youth speaker was this really sweet girl and the theme of sacrament meeting was adversity. it was perfect. One of the speakers shared my favorite scripture!!!!! i totally knew that was exactly where I needed to be - and Heavenly Father helped me get there. I was so glad Elena came with me. She said she really like it and it was the least intimidating church experience she has ever had. SOOOOOOOOO cool. and the missionaires spoke English! they had 4 sets of missionaries in that ward - 2 elders, 1 sisters and a couple from Lake Arrowhead. The couple missionaries were so nice! They said they are serving until the temple is complete, which could be 3 years -- wowza. It was awesome. It was like experiencing a baby mission.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
buona sera
It has been a few days since I have updated this – so here it is!
The past few days have been really laid back; that’s the way I like it. We’ve started class and have been drowned in Italian (in the nicest possible way). I have purchased a purse, two scarves, and the Sandlot in Italian! I am waiting until we come back from Florence to make any big purchases. Which reminds me – We are going to Florence tomorrow! Bridgid, Lizzy, Olivia and I are taking the train to Firenze tomorrow afternoon. There, we will explore and I will get to see Kelly O’Connor – a sweet friend from high school! She is studying abroad in Florence this year through Pepperdine University. I am so excited. And then hopefully on Sunday, my friend Elena and I will be going to church here. I really hope so!
Class has been great, but almost exhausted. Today was the craziest day by far. After 3 hours of grammar and vocabulary, we had a special guest lecturer, Fabio Caramasci, come and speak to us. Two days ago we watched his documentary on the Tuareg tribe immigrating to Italy and today we were able to ask him questions. HE SPOKE SO FAST. I cannot explain this in a better way. SO FAST. THE FASTEST. But it was really interesting trying to understand and keep up with what he was saying. Usually in class we don’t really get to speak as the ‘natives’ do, so it was extremely eye-opening.
One confession: Two nights ago I ate at Burger King. I know, I’m horrible but eating out at Italian restaurants every night is really getting to me. It has never been my favorite kind of food and it was so rich and carb-y that I broke and got some chicken fingers. Sorry, everyone. I had to.
Tonight we have a test to do and then I’m going to bed! And then Florence! And then Church! And then Boston! This is so awesome. I love everyone in the program and getting to know them more than just as classmates. People are so incredible. Everyone has such a cool life journey.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
today's adventure
1. Trevi Fountain during the daytime
Friday, January 6, 2012
we found love in a roman place

Today our adventures were all about Ancient Rome.