Thursday, March 29, 2012

a lil' update

I have applied to two positions for this summer.

1. Student Orientation Coordinator for Wellesley College
I am (semi-secretly) really hoping for this position

2. Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
Because I am looking into going into African American Studies after undergraduate school, this would be an awesome opportunity to network and gain experience in the field.

As for now, I wait. I have had an interview with Dean Tenser from Wellesley. Other than that, I am just continuing to do my thing. I didn't have class today and I don't have class tomorrow (crazy, huh?). This weekend is General Conference - we get to hear from the Prophet! This weekend happens twice a year and always fills me with a special kind of peace.

Tonight I am grateful for:
Old great friends & new great friends
Macaroni & Cheese
the Ensign
Wearing cozy socks
Texting my mom
Watching movies
Salami sandwiches
Institute on Wednesday nights
An awesome roommate
Deodorant (everyone should be grateful for this)
A car
Gasoline that runs said car
Cool shoes
Everything that makes me laugh, including Napoleon Dynamite

I hope to post on this more regularly, especially now that it doesn't hurt my eyes to read it.
My design always have the sweetest of intentions - and then I realize it something that should have been thrown out long ago.

Live & learn.

new things

SURPRISE - the blog has changed.

I am really liking this change.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

you know what?

People should just assign me a summer job and I would do it!
I am good at doing what I am told to do.

Instead, I have to sell small pieces of my soul to a number of places in hopes of finding a summer internship.

In other news, so many exciting things are happening soon!
1. Rob is coming to Boston this week - he is staying with his brother at MIT
2. Kendrick and Kendall and I will be in California on Saturday afternoon. I am so excited for my family to meet them. It's as if one of your families is meeting your other one
3. All but one of my summer applications will be done by Friday afternoon
4. It's almost Easter and I love Easter

I know that I will go where I need to go - it's just a matter of being chill.

Joke of the Day:
Why did the boy eat his homework?
Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake